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Top 8 Fun Facts About Dates
Let’s be honest - how often do we see dates in our diet unless they’re wrapped in bacon? As delicious as bacon-wrapped dates are, they don’t do this sweet fruit justice. These highly underrated gems are great sources of natural energy that provide tons of health benefits - from disease prevention to a lower glycemic index. Because Bahamii loves dates oh-so-much, we put together this top 8 list of fun facts about dates, starting with their ancient origins.
1. Dates are the OLDEST cultivated fruit on Earth [1]
Estimated to originate in 3000 BC, dates are considered the world’s most ancient cultivated tree. Its origins are located in Iraq, yet this fruit was used throughout North Africa and the Middle East as a source of nourishment and nutrition.
2. There are over 2,000 kinds of dates [2]
The medjool date is likely what comes to mind when people think of dates. Yet dates have a wide range of looks and flavors. The medjool date is brown and wrinkly while on the other end of the spectrum, bahri dates are yellow and relatively smooth.
3. Dates have a low glycemic index [2]
Dates have high levels of sugar - how can they then have a low glycemic index, which is an indicator of blood sugar levels? The answer is in the natural sugars. These aren’t processed, artificial sugars that are known to raise a person’s blood sugar level. Instead, these natural sugars result in a slow and steady rise in blood sugar levels for individuals living with or at risk for diabetes or those looking to maintain stable energy levels throughout the day.
4. The name “Date” comes from the Greek word dactylos
Dactylos in Greek means “finger”. This is where the name comes from - dates look just like the tips of fingers! The elongated shape of dates is what inspired this name. [3]
5. Dates contain vitamins A, B, C, E, and K [4]
That’s a lot of vitamins! As mentioned earlier, the list of health benefits that comes from dates can go on forever. These vitamins are known to promote both brain function and memory.
6. Learning capabilities and memory is improved with dates
In 2015, Musthafa Mohamed Essa, Ph.D., did a study on mice by feeding them dates. The results of this indicated that mice that had dates in their diet actually improved their memory whereas the control group didn’t! [5] The same applied to their learning abilities, as the mice were tested by working their way through a maze.
7. Dates can contribute to disease prevention
Musthafa Mohamed Essa also tested how dates can affect the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. Through his study, he discovered that dates “may have beneficial effects in lowering the risk, delaying the onset or slowing down the progression of [Alzheimer’s Disease]” [6]
8. Dates can reduce anxiety levels
Many people turn to caffeine when seeking an energy boost. Yet caffeine often causes anxiety, stress, and headaches, especially when too much is consumed. Instead of grabbing a cup of coffee when seeking extra energy, try dates instead. Their natural sugars are a healthy source of energy, instead of anxiety-inducing caffeine.
For such an underrated fruit, the health benefits of dates seem countless! These fruits don’t have to be consumed plain either - Bahamii’s date-based bars provide all of these health benefits combined with delicious flavors. The flavors Chocolate Almond, Coconut Vanilla, and Honey Cinnamon highlight the goodness of dates. Enjoy!
The information provided on this page is intended for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment related to your specific health needs.
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